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Lily Collin

Lily Collin

Web Integration Specialist
Information Technology
FA-203, Science Building EN


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Academic Appointments

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Frogs are excellent indicator species to measure wetland health. They are very sensitive to changes in
pH caused by acid rain, and they are also very sensitive to different types of pollution (Willemssen,
2010). When frog populations in a wetland plummet, one can be sure that something is going wrong in
the wetland (Willemssen, 2010). In addition, when oddities in frog morphology appear, like frogs with
five legs or two heads, one can also assume something is going wrong in the wetland environment
(Willemssen, 2010).

On The Web there is some text here


More students are choosing Laurentian and we are excited to let you know why. We have award winning programs, a multi-cultural learning atmosphere, and a breath-taking campus. We have a proven track record in preparing graduates for a bright and rewarding future. 

The Fact Sheet Assignment is around the corner and I wanted to emphasize a few important points to keep in mind:

  • Best practices must be based on synthesizing research from peer-reviewed journal articles. Practices pulled from consulting, blogs, agency or corporate websites will significantly weaken your assignment [incur deductions].
  • use APA format for in-text citations and reference list. The samples provided in the assignment are for conceptual purposes only [they do not use APA formatting]. 
  • the document must be your own original work; cite all your sources. Plagiarism will be receive an automatic mark of 0 [zero].
  • create and type your assignment in MS Word or in Adobe Acrobat. Submissions that are scanned and converted to PDF or created using any other software will not be accepted.

Tips: 1) use the library's search filters to help narrow down your article search; 2) use multiple keywords separated by the word "and" to further narrow your search; 3) look for "meta-analysis" type journal articles; these summarize the current research that's been done on a specific topic - so the work of synthesizing has been done for you! 

If you need assistance with your research for this assignment, please contact the Ryerson Library staff - sooner, rather than later. The library link is located on the Ryerson website homepage []. 

Please don't leave this to the last minute.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae lorem gravida, pretium turpis at, placerat tortor. Integer gravida ligula sed condimentum bibendum. Nunc quis massa eros. Vivamus arcu dui, tempor eu laoreet iaculis, sagittis et massa. Morbi et blandit augue. Nunc diam dolor, dapibus et metus sed, egestas viverra nulla. Phasellus eu suscipit ante, vitae lobortis lectus. Duis vehicula quam ullamcorper sodales suscipit. Vivamus ac congue mauris. Maecenas eget neque nisi. Etiam bibendum metus nec lectus tempor semper. In nulla orci, auctor ut nunc commodo, faucibus efficitur turpis. Aenean rhoncus odio libero, vel commodo nunc viverra eu. Suspendisse et placerat enim. Pellentesque ullamcorper cursus neque iaculis hendrerit.

Etiam imperdiet nec enim non convallis. Aenean in mi quam. Nulla sed malesuada eros. Vivamus tristique, nulla ac tempus mattis, enim justo condimentum mi, non vehicula turpis mauris eu urna. Sed ac molestie enim, nec vestibulum lacus. Ut eu felis sed leo condimentum posuere. Vivamus laoreet sagittis facilisis. Vivamus urna lorem, tincidunt id malesuada ac, accumsan sit amet lacus.

Phasellus tristique malesuada orci a placerat. Mauris fermentum lorem hendrerit condimentum pharetra. Quisque lectus felis, mattis id turpis sit amet, cursus cursus sapien. Praesent in mauris vestibulum orci ornare blandit in ut nisl. Suspendisse cursus orci ut justo suscipit feugiat. Duis ac sagittis elit, non congue elit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

  • fasdfa. fahsldnf a,abfuahs
  • The fox jumped over the yellow fence
  • More lsit and things
  • Hello, world


Why Should I Reference?
References are used to record or document the source of
each piece of information in your paper obtained from
other researchers and writers. If you fail to document
information that is not your own, you have committed
plagiarism, a form of stealing.

What Should I Reference?
You must reference all direct quotations; paraphrases of
material; and summaries of opinions, ideas and interpre-
tations obtained from other sources. If you fail to refer-
ence your information, you will be criticized for making
statements that appear to be unsupported by evidence. It
is not necessary to document information that is com-
mon knowledge, but remember that it is always better to
overdocument than to underdocument.
You may be concerned that, if you reference too much,
your instructors will think the paper is not your own
work. That is not so. The method of organization is yours,
as well as the purpose which ties the material together,
the topic sentences, concluding sentences, analytical and
evaluative comments which allow the reader to make
sense out of the reference material, and probably most of
the introductory and concluding paragraphs.
What Style Should I Use?
Always ask the professor which documentation style is re-
quired for the assignment. Styles can vary greatly between
journals even within one field. If no specifics are given,
this Fastfacts can serve as a guide to one of the standard
formats, described in the Publication Manual of the Ameri-
can Psychological Association (known as the APA style),
used in psychology and many of the social sciences.
Remember to choose one style for a particular paper, and
be consistent within that paper.

Hello world!


Frogs are excellent indicator species to measure wetland health. Willemssen (2010) recently conducted
research in Wisconsin that shows that frogs are very sensitive to changes in pH caused by acid rain, and
they are also very sensitive to different types of pollution. Willemssen's research indicates that when
frog populations in a wetland plummet, one can be sure that something is going wrong in the wetland.
One very telling quote from Willemssen's research is that "87% of wetlands where two-headed frogs are
found have high levels of environmental contamination" (p. 341).

Pellentesque rhoncus orci orci, eu facilisis nunc posuere eget. Aenean mattis tristique ligula. Mauris semper malesuada leo, non tincidunt eros dictum a. Pellentesque dapibus leo purus, quis efficitur nisi lacinia quis. Vivamus massa purus, luctus in suscipit vel, consequat at nisi. Sed aliquet diam sed nisi viverra porttitor. Proin sed ante efficitur, rutrum mauris ac, eleifend dui. Sed bibendum fermentum vulputate. Maecenas neque quam, lacinia vel rutrum at, viverra vitae felis. Vestibulum vulputate, erat in aliquam consectetur, tellus felis placerat massa, ac aliquam ipsum leo a elit. In sed felis nunc. Nulla pellentesque dapibus est a aliquet. Pellentesque consectetur urna at magna elementum, id lacinia orci efficitur. Maecenas id est facilisis, mollis lorem in, pulvinar odio. Mauris et tellus sed nisl pharetra commodo eget ut lectus.

Mauris in eros iaculis, pulvinar ante quis, posuere elit. Nullam vulputate scelerisque nulla sit amet suscipit. Nullam neque augue, fringilla sed tincidunt ac, ultricies non ligula. Duis eleifend eu massa id euismod. Fusce ornare maximus ipsum eu egestas. Fusce ligula nunc, ullamcorper euismod massa imperdiet, scelerisque malesuada quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean tristique vulputate feugiat. Praesent sagittis lobortis mauris quis pharetra. Mauris ac dolor gravida, euismod nulla quis, vulputate augue. Phasellus id dictum nisi. Praesent euismod, dui sed eleifend consectetur, odio felis mattis nisi, a pretium erat magna nec tellus. Integer ullamcorper neque metus, ut interdum augue pretium eu. Suspendisse vehicula gravida sapien, vel feugiat enim laoreet a. Duis pretium lobortis augue, id vehicula nisl lobortis ac.

Morbi purus tellus, suscipit non lobortis id, vulputate nec mi. Suspendisse pellentesque dignissim metus sed vehicula. Suspendisse sit amet massa at leo ornare gravida aliquam eu velit. Ut fringilla mauris orci, tristique mattis sem convallis ut. Quisque ut pretium odio, sed elementum elit. Aenean dolor est, pulvinar quis tristique nec, dapibus ut lacus. Suspendisse fringilla orci eget est dictum porta. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer feugiat, leo at lobortis volutpat, mi ligula sodales lacus, id commodo nibh ipsum at enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam odio elit, facilisis eu ex at, interdum accumsan nibh.

Nunc leo sem, rutrum in cursus et, tristique a ante. Nulla aliquet ipsum ac libero hendrerit, posuere blandit dui convallis. Fusce dapibus, odio sit amet ullamcorper eleifend, sapien mi pellentesque justo, sit amet interdum ligula risus sit amet neque. Duis interdum gravida ante non interdum. Nullam a mauris tempor, porta massa non, pulvinar libero. Fusce sit amet vehicula mi. Nunc placerat volutpat arcu id ornare. Proin consectetur feugiat nulla id pellentesque. Duis ut tristique sem. Morbi in libero tincidunt, iaculis velit ut, gravida nibh. Maecenas non imperdiet risus, vel pharetra nunc. Quisque orci quam, tempor in faucibus ut, tempor ac ante.